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The Science of Mineral Deficiencies and the Quest for Optimal Health

Mineral deficiencies are often overlooked, yet they play a pivotal role in our overall well-being. These deficiencies contribute to various chronic diseases and can leave us feeling less than our best. Take magnesium deficiency, for instance, which can manifest as migraine headaches, depression, irritability, confusion, and a weakened immune system. These are just a few of the alarming consequences of insufficient mineral intake.

How many of us can relate to experiencing one or more of these symptoms?

Unlocking the Importance of Minerals

Our bodies are marvellously complex, but they lack the ability to manufacture all the essential nutrients needed to function optimally. There are FIVE ESSENTIAL nutrients that we must obtain through our diets to maintain peak health. These nutrients fall into two categories:

  1. Macronutrients

    1. Fats (fatty acids)

    2. Protein (Amino Acids)

  2. Micronutrients

    1. Minerals

    2. Vitamins

    3. Water

The significance of electrolytes and minerals in our bodies cannot be overstated. They are vital for a wide range of bodily processes, from energy production to hormonal balance.

Micronutrients may be small, but they wield a mighty influence on our health.

Chronic deficiencies in these micronutrients can lead to a range of diseases and a general sense of suboptimal well-being.

When these deficiencies persist, the body lacks the resources necessary to carry out essential functions for health.

The Hidden Reality of Mineral Deficiency

You might believe that you're consuming a well-balanced diet and aren't vulnerable to mineral deficiencies. However, research suggests otherwise. Everyone needs to wake up to the issue of minerals, because 92% of the population have at least ONE mineral deficiency. A study in 2001 analysed 2,000 hair samples, revealing that the most common mineral deficiencies were:

  • Magnesium (49%)

  • Calcium (46%)

  • Potassium (37%)

  • Sodium (6%)

On the surface, you may appear healthy, but internally, you could be slowly deteriorating.

Naru Nutrition mineral recommendation

Recommendations should always come with context. If for example you are a heavy coffee drinker, athlete, faster, follow keto or low-carb diet, or have underlying medical conditions, these amounts can change:


  • 3,000 to 5,000 mg of SOIDUM per day.


  • 4,000 to 5,000mg of POTASSIUM per day


  • 400 to 700mg per day of MAGNESIUM - split into smaller doses to increase absorption


  • 1,300mg per day of CALCIUM

How many minerals do we loose a day?


Daily Loss

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The Impact of Lifestyle Choices

Your lifestyle choices can significantly affect your mineral levels. For example, activities like intermittent fasting, adopting a keto or low-carb diet, or engaging in regular exercise can lead to electrolyte imbalances.

During vigorous exercise, you can lose more salt in an hour than your body typically contains. Depleted salt levels can force your body to work harder, potentially pushing you into premature training overload. Even what you drink post-workout can make a difference – tap water contains far less sodium than what you lose through sweat.

Tap water contains 1 to 3mmol/l of sodium, whereas SWEAT contains 20 – 80mmol/l of sodium per litre.

Intermittent fasting, keto, and low-carb diets all impact insulin levels, resulting in increased sodium loss in urine. These diets/lifestyles can lead to the notorious "keto flu." The solution? Consider Naru Revive to sidestep this uncomfortable phenomenon.

Intermittent fasting, rooted in a concept from the 1960s, proposes that mimicking the feed-fast cycles of our ancestors can be protective and beneficial in a world grappling with obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Numerous studies support its potential to improve:

- body weight

- body composition

- inflammation

- glucose control

- sleep

- energy levels.

The Power of Timing in Our Health

In today's world, we have constant access to food, but is this perpetual access contributing to our decline in health? Most life forms, including humans, have evolved under the influence of daily light and dark cycles. These daily rhythms have given rise to our 24-hour internal timing mechanism, or circadian rhythm, which helps us anticipate daily changes and optimise our health.

Circadian rhythms dictate the best times for activities like sleep, physical activity, and nutrient intake. Irregular feeding times can disrupt this internal clock, leading to health consequences such as metabolic dysfunction, higher postprandial glucose levels, and decreased insulin sensitivity.

The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is a located in the hypothalamus. It is the central pacemaker of the circadian timing system and regulates most circadian rhythms in the body. Nearly every tissue and organ contain has a biological clock linked to our internal clock. Thus, irregular feeding times can induce a shift in the peripheral clock and internal desynchronisation through the decoupling of peripheral clocks, resulting in health consequences such as metabolic dysfunction.

Unlocking Metabolic Flexibility

One of the ultimate goals is to achieve metabolic flexibility, enabling our bodies to switch between burning carbs and fat as needed. This flexibility allows us to efficiently use different fuel sources for various activities, granting our bodies the autonomy to manage our macronutrient and calorie intake.

The average body will hold 42,000kcal in energy on their bodies:

  • 2,000kcal in glycogen (stored glucose)

  • 40,000kcal in adipose stores (fat)

The Currency of Energy: ATP

Energy, or ATP, stands as the most essential currency in our bodies. Every bodily process, from health maintenance to disease resilience, relies on it. Deficiencies in micronutrients can reduce ATP production, accelerate mitochondrial aging, and lead to mitochondrial degradation. Thus, nutrition profoundly influences the aging process and overall health.

Minerals: The Missing Piece in Our Diets

Most of us have access to enough protein, fat, and carbohydrates. What often falls short is the nutritional density of the food we consume. This phenomenon, often referred to as being "overfed but undernourished," is a significant contributor to chronic diseases and premature death.

Discover Naru Revive: A Path to Optimal Health

So, what does Naru Revive bring to the table? Mineral electrolytes! These electrically charged minerals, such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and chloride, are essential for health. Naru Revive aims to strike a balance in your electrolyte levels.

Remember, minerals from water are easier for your body to absorb than those from food and most supplements. Given our susceptibility to marginal nutritional deficiencies due to refined diets and chronic diseases, consuming water with elevated mineral levels can be a game-changer for your health. Choose Naru Revive and embark on your journey to optimal health.

At Nura Nutrition, we've developed a mineral powder that helps you replenish lost minerals daily, warding off deficiencies and enhancing your overall well-being. Our product allows you to transform any water into mineral-enriched water with a delicious taste, offering numerous benefits for your body and mind.


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